R & Spatial Analysis Resources
software carpentry / data carpentry (Great workshops and online sessions for learning R, git, etc., and data analysis in R)
data carpentry/NEON Work with Data series: Spatio-temporal data tutorial, including intro to spatial data, CRS, etc.
Andrew Finley's courses (code from workshops and courses; everything from intro to R Programming to Bayesian hierarchical modeling)
spatial-ecology.net (open source tools for spatial analysis, modelling and data processing)
Are you cereal? (Petr Kiel's website: Science, Statistics, Ecology, R)
spatial.ly (R spatial tips)
NCEAS info about R (links to official R pages, some tutorials)
Packages we use a lot:
ggplot2 (all types of plotting, including maps)
sp (spatial data manipulation and analysis; includes plotting)
rgdal (read and write spatial data, projections)
raster (reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of gridded spatial data)
maptools (manipulating and reading geographic data, in particular ESRI shapefiles)
An overwhelmingly long list of packages in R for spatial data analysis
data carpentry/NEON Work with Data series: Spatio-temporal data tutorial, including intro to spatial data, CRS, etc.
Andrew Finley's courses (code from workshops and courses; everything from intro to R Programming to Bayesian hierarchical modeling)
spatial-ecology.net (open source tools for spatial analysis, modelling and data processing)
Are you cereal? (Petr Kiel's website: Science, Statistics, Ecology, R)
spatial.ly (R spatial tips)
NCEAS info about R (links to official R pages, some tutorials)
Packages we use a lot:
ggplot2 (all types of plotting, including maps)
sp (spatial data manipulation and analysis; includes plotting)
rgdal (read and write spatial data, projections)
raster (reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of gridded spatial data)
maptools (manipulating and reading geographic data, in particular ESRI shapefiles)
An overwhelmingly long list of packages in R for spatial data analysis
Ecological Data
* Read the metadata, adhere to the data use requirements, and appropriately acknowledge the authors of the data.
NCEAS list of datasets/data portals
Nature.com list of data repositories
DataONE (major repository for earth & environmental data; funded by NSF)
Dryad (repository for scientific and medical data)
LTER Portal (data portal for all data from Long Term Ecological Research sites; also on DataONE)
Nature.com list of data repositories
DataONE (major repository for earth & environmental data; funded by NSF)
Dryad (repository for scientific and medical data)
LTER Portal (data portal for all data from Long Term Ecological Research sites; also on DataONE)